对许多人来说,厨房是他们最喜欢的房间。在这里,一家人聚在一起进行热烈的讨论,又或是吃上丰盛的饭菜。这是一间散发着新鲜烘焙饼干香味和周日培根早餐香味的房间。我们不是来玷污你最喜欢的房间的名声的。然而,任何与厨房一样经常使用的房间往往是最脏的。格鲁夫合作组织(grove Collaborative)的格鲁夫导游乔治亚·迪克森(Georgia Dixon)告诉Well+Good。,“厨房变脏了,因为它们是我们家里最繁忙的地方。餐前准备会留下残留的食物残渣和碎屑,会吸引细菌、霉菌和害虫,所以经常花点时间关心和爱护这个地方是有必要的。”
So what is the dirtiest thing in your kitchen? Your first guess might be the cutting board. After all, many of us like to give it a quick wipe down and no more in between uses. According to Today, the cutting board has been found to have 200 times more coliform bacteria than a toilet seat. As cringeworthy as this comparison may be, your cutting board doesn't have to resemble a toilet seat in any way if you scrub it with hot water and soap in between uses. You can also put it in the dishwasher with bleach to kill any remaining germs.
Your kitchen sink and the microwave are also solid guesses for the dirtiest thing in your kitchen, but the winner may surprise you — your kitchen sponge is a filthy hotbed of bacteria. "The kitchen sponge is wet and moist, always soaking up coliform bacteria," Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiologist and professor at the University of Arizona, told Today. "It's like bacterial heaven."
水槽和微波炉也是厨房里最脏的东西,但比它们更脏的东西可能会让你大吃一惊——厨房海绵是细菌的肮脏温床。亚利桑那大学的微生物学家兼亚利桑那大学教授Charles Gerba博士今天告诉记者:“厨房的海绵是潮湿的,总是会吸收大肠菌群。厨房海绵就像细菌天堂。”
Unfortunately, cleaning your sponge won't get rid of all the potentially harmful bacteria. According to Eat This, Not That, sanitizing your sponge will only get rid of 60% of the bacteria. Even after cleaning, you have a new generation of bacteria growing after 20 minutes. To avoid this icky germ trap, consider buying in bulk. Your kitchen may be hard to keep squeaky clean, but swapping out your sponges for new ones is a great start to keeping your favorite room in the house free of unwelcome bacteria and germs.
不幸的是,清洁海绵并不能去除所有潜在的有害细菌。根据Eat This, Not That,给海绵消毒只能清除60%的细菌。即使消了毒,20分钟后,新一代的细菌就会生长。为了避免这种讨厌的细菌陷阱,可以考虑批量购买。你的厨房可能很难保持干净,但让你最喜欢的房间远离不受欢迎的细菌,更换新的海绵是一个很好的开始。