英语听力汇总   |   叶绿素也能喝吗





A surprising new TikTok trend involving chlorophyll has been getting a lot of attention from the health and wellness world and has some people rushing out to buy bottles of the green liquid (via Shape). The influencers recommending the supplement are reporting a host of health and beauty benefits from ingesting chlorophyll regularly. However, before you use your hard-earned money to test it out for yourself, let's see what the experts have to say about the benefits of using liquid chlorophyll.


You might remember from science class that chlorophyll is the green pigment that allows plants to photosynthesize (via Cleveland Clinic). Photosynthesis is the process of taking in sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide and turning it into sugar and oxygen. Plants definitely need chlorophyll, but humans don't photosynthesize. We get our energy from eating and drinking. So why would someone drink chlorophyll? Well, technically liquid chlorophyll supplements contain a substance called chlorophyllin, and this substance is more easily absorbed by the body (via Healthline). Companies advertise that chlorophyllin can help strengthen the immune system, detoxify blood, give you energy, and even prevent cancer (via The Washington Post).

你可能还记得在科学课上说的,叶绿素是一种允许植物进行光合作用的绿色色素。光合作用是吸收阳光、水和二氧化碳并将其转化为糖和氧气的过程。植物当然需要叶绿素,但人类不进行光合作用。我们从吃和喝中获得能量。为什么会有人喝叶绿素呢?从技术上讲,液态叶绿素补充剂含有一种叫做叶绿素的物质,这种物质更容易被人体吸收(通过 Healthline)。一些公司宣传叶绿素可以帮助增强免疫系统,解毒血液,给你能量,甚至预防癌症(通过华盛顿邮报)。


TikTok influencers also claim that liquid chlorophyll helps reduce redness in their skin and that it gives them a healthy glow. The videos show people mixing drops of liquid chlorophyll into glasses of water and drinking it (via Verywell Health). Before and after pictures seem to show dramatic improvements in skin health and appearance, but experts warn that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

TikTok的影响者还声称,液态叶绿素有助于减少他们皮肤的红肿,使他们焕发健康的光彩。视频显示人们将液态叶绿素滴入玻璃杯中,然后饮用(通过 Verywell Health 网站)。摄影前后的照片似乎显示了皮肤健康和外观的显著改善,但专家警告说,如果这听起来好得难以置信,那么很可能是假的。

Chlorophyll treatments have been around for decades, but scientists are still unsure about just how safe they are. It's possible that ingesting liquid chlorophyll could increase your photosensitivity, making you more prone to sunburn.


Additionally, it hasn't been tested on those under 18 or pregnant individuals. Plenty of studies have been done to try to prove the effectiveness of chlorophyll, but most of these studies have either been done in vitro, meaning tested on cells only, or done on animals (via The Washington Post). Studies on humans simply have not had enough participants to determine conclusive results. As of yet, there just hasn't been enough concrete evidence to support that chlorophyll has any of the benefits TikTok influencers are claiming. So if you're looking for a way to kick your health up a notch, try sticking to an original source of chlorophyll, rather than supplements, which has the added benefit of additional vitamins and minerals, or just eat your greens.

此外,它还没有在18岁以下或怀孕的人身上进行过测试。已经有很多研究试图证明叶绿素的有效性,但大多数这些研究要么是在体外进行的,也就是说只在细胞上进行测试,要么是在动物身上进行的(通过《华盛顿邮报》)。对人类的研究还没有足够的参与者来确定结论性的结果。到目前为止,没有足够的具体证据支持叶绿素具有 TikTok 影响者声称的任何好处。因此,如果你正在寻找一种方法来提高你的健康水平,试着坚持原始的叶绿素来源,而不是去喝含有额外维生素和矿物质的补充剂,或者接着吃你的绿色蔬菜。