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Shrimp is a popular and versatile shellfish that is eaten around the world. Not only is it tasty, but shrimp offers many health benefits as well. Here's why you should eat this crustacean more often.


According to Healthline, shrimp has many nutrients for a low amount of calories. One 3-ounce serving of shrimp only has 84 calories. That same 3-ounce serving also packs 18 grams of protein, zero carbs, and minimal fat. As far as nutrients go, one serving of shrimp contains selenium, vitamin B12, iron, phosphorus, niacin, zinc, and magnesium.

据Healthline网站报道,虾含有很多营养成分,但卡路里含量很低。一份3盎司的虾只有84卡路里,同时含有18克蛋白质,零碳水化合物和少量的脂肪。就营养而言,一份虾含有硒、维生素 B12、铁、磷、烟酸、锌和镁。

Shrimp is one of the best ways to naturally add iodine to your diet, which is a mineral that most people do not consume enough. Iodine assists with brain and thyroid health. It also contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve heart health, decrease inflammation, and offer a host of other benefits.


It may surprise some people to learn that shrimp contains a powerful antioxidant called astaxanthin. This can protect against free radicals, reduce the risk of developing certain diseases including heart attacks, improve good cholesterol, and improve brain health.


Shrimp contains a high amount of cholesterol, which makes some people concerned about eating it. According to Verywell Fit, cardiologists used to advise against the consumption of this shellfish because of its cholesterol content. However, recent studies have found little evidence to link dietary cholesterol, the kind that is found in shrimp, with cardiovascular disease.

虾含有大量的胆固醇,一些人对此表示担心。根据 Verywell Fit 的说法,心脏病专家过去常常建议不要食用这种贝类,因为它的胆固醇含量很高。然而,最近的研究发现,几乎没有证据表明饮食中的胆固醇(在虾中发现的那种)与心血管疾病有关。

Shrimp is extremely versatile and can be prepared in many different ways. Shrimp that has been cooked and chilled can be added to salads for a protein and nutrient boost. Shrimp cocktail is another popular way to enjoy this shellfish cold and served with cocktail sauce. It can also be grilled, steamed, or sauteed to be added to many different dishes.


When preparing this food, remember that it cooks very quickly and can become dry and tough when overcooked. However, shrimp should be fully cooked before enjoying. You can tell shrimp has been fully cooked when the flesh turns pink and becomes opaque. You can also prevent shrimp from drying out while cooking by marinating it before you add heat.
