英语听力汇总   |   乳糖不耐,还能吃乳制品吗





When it comes to gut health, dairy has received some pretty mixed reviews over the years. Although dairy can help boost your digestive system, it can also negatively affect your gut microbiome (via Healthline). That's because most people are unable to digest dairy. While some people have genetically adapted to be able to digest dairy due to the influx of cow's milk during the agricultural revolution, 75% of adults around the world still lack the lactase enzyme needed to break down lactose in the body. This is known as lactose intolerance. People who are lactose intolerant often experience digestive distress after consuming dairy. Common symptoms include bloating, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

说到肠道健康,多年来,人们对乳制品的评价褒贬不一。虽然乳制品有助于提高你的消化系统,但它也会对你的肠道微生物组产生负面影响。这是因为大多数人无法消化乳制品。虽然在农业革命期间,由于牛奶的涌入,一些人已经从基因上适应了消化乳制品的能力,但是全世界75% 的成年人仍然缺乏分解人体乳糖所需的乳糖酶。这就是所谓的乳糖不耐症。有乳糖不耐症的人在食用乳制品后经常会出现消化不良。常见的症状包括腹胀、胃痉挛、恶心、呕吐和腹泻。

"[The] breakdown of milk (or any food) into its component building blocks allows it to be readily absorbed into our bloodstream," Dr. Dana Hunnes, a senior dietician at UCLA Medical Center and adjunct assistant professor at the Fielding School of Public Health, told Self. "Our bodies do not have to work harder to digest milk than other foods; however, if we lack the lactase enzyme, or have less of it, it becomes harder to break down lactose into more easily absorbable sugars (glucose and galactose)."

加州大学洛杉矶分校医学中心的高级营养师、菲尔丁学院的副助理教授Dana Hunnes博士说:“将牛奶(或任何食物)分解成其组成部分,使其易于被吸收到我们的血液中。”“我们的身体不需要比其他食物更努力地消化牛奶;但是,如果我们缺少乳糖酶或乳糖酶较少,则将乳糖分解为更容易吸收的糖(葡萄糖和半乳糖)变得更加困难。”

However, being lactose intolerant doesn't necessarily mean you have to swear off dairy products. For some people, fermented milk may be the perfect solution (via The Guardian). Fermented milk products like yogurt and kefir are full of probiotics, or live bacteria, which can help aid digestion by stimulating the growth of good bacteria in your gut microbiome. As a result, the presence of probiotic cultures may make it easier to digest and absorb dairy. Fermented milk also contains lower levels of lactose than regular milk, which may make it more easily digestible for those with a lactase deficiency.


Lactose-free milk products are another suitable option for dairy lovers. As the name suggests, lactose-free milk is simply dairy milk without the lactose (via The Spruce Eats). That means that people who are lactose intolerant can drink it without having to worry about experiencing any inconvenient and unpleasant side effects. Aside from milk, there are lactose-free versions of most dairy products, including sour cream, buttermilk, cheese, ice cream, hot chocolate, and heavy cream.

无乳糖奶制品是另一个适合乳制品爱好者的选择。顾名思义,无乳糖牛奶就是没有乳糖的牛奶(通过 The Spruce Eats)。这意味着有乳糖不耐症的人可以喝它,而不用担心会有任何不便和不愉快的副作用。除了牛奶,大多数乳制品都有不含乳糖的版本,包括酸奶油、酪乳、奶酪、冰淇淋、热巧克力和浓奶油。