英语听力汇总   |   也许是你高兴过了头





Being in a good mood typically makes people feel like they are on cloud nine, but studies suggests the boost can cloud their judgement.


The upbeat sensation can cause people to accept first impressions of others or events, without challenging, which could set them up for failure later down the road.


Australian psychologist Joseph Forgas conducted a study where subjects read a short philosophical essay with a picture showing either an older man or a younger woman.

澳大利亚心理学家约瑟夫·福加斯(Joseph Forgas)进行了一项研究,受试者在阅读一篇哲学短文时,会看到一张图片,上面要么是一个年长的男人,要么是一个年轻的女人。

The research analyzed whether or not a good mood would have a bias effect on thinking – and it did.


Those feeling positive enjoyed the essay more when believing it came from the man, while those in the negative category felt about the same for both.


Forgas once wrote: 'The same smile that is seen as friendly by a person in a good mood may be judged as awkward when the observer is in a negative mood; discussing the weather could be seen as 'poised' when the person is in a good mood but 'boring' when that person is in a bad mood.'


This statement suggests that how we feel determines what we see around us, what memories we revert back to and how we decipher signals, The Wall Street Journal reports.
