英语听力汇总   |   One eyeland公布了2020年摄影大赛的获奖者名单





‘One Eyeland’ Have Revealed The Winners Of Their 2020 Photography Contest

One eyeland公布了2020年摄影大赛的获奖者名单

When people say that photographers deserve credit, it doesn't only mean that they have to be mentioned. It also means that they deserve some appreciation and acknowledgment for their work. The One Eyeland Awards annually give the credit photographers well deserve, as well as give a financial reward for the best photos. They also put these works out for sale and give a solid platform for publishing. One Eyeland has recently announced the winners of 2020, so without further ado, give it a look and see what catches your eyes the most.

当人们说摄影师值得称赞时,并不仅仅意味着他们必须被提及。这也意味着他们的工作应该得到一些赞赏和认可。One Eyeland奖每年给予摄影师应得的荣誉,以及给予最佳照片的经济奖励。他们还将这些作品出售,为出版提供了坚实的平台。One eyeland网站最近宣布了2020年的获胜者,所以废话少说,来看看什么最吸引你的眼球吧。











图片来源:One Eyeland

More info: oneeyeland.com | Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com