英语听力汇总   |   英国插画家将漫威和汉纳-巴贝拉的角色混搭在一起





UK Illustrator Made These Mashups Of Marvel And Hanna-Barbera Characters


Some things mix well, like salt and pepper, but we all know that. There are some things that arguably don't mix well, like milk and alcohol, or Marvel and DC comics, though some would argue on the contrary. However, some things mix really well, but we just don't know it yet. Marvel comic characters and Hanna-Barbera cartoons just might be one of those things, perhaps.


But you don't know until you try, as the saying goes. Artist MJ Hiblen from Norwich, United Kingdom tried his hand at merging these two seemingly unrelated universes, and came up with some combinations that are as amazing as they are surprising. A dash of Hanna-Barbera nostalgia sprinkled with some marvelousness of the Marvel characters is a recipe that most of us didn't even know we wished for, but it's one we've long deserved.

但俗话说得好,不尝试就不知道。来自英国诺里奇的艺术家MJ Hiblen尝试将这两个看似不相关的宇宙合并在一起,并得出了一些惊人的组合。加点汉娜•芭芭拉式的怀旧色彩,再加上一些神奇的漫威人物形象,是我们大多数人甚至都不知道自己希望得到的配方,但这是我们早就应该得到的。

The artist told us a little bit more about his "Hanna-Barbera—Marvel" mashup project. "A lot of my spare time work to keep my followers entertained usually involves a mash-up of popular genres. I think this one was one I had planned for a few weeks. My love of the MCU and childhood memories of Captain Caveman were a bit too tempting to create."













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