One of the most exciting parts of Halloween is all the creepy decorations carved from a pumpkin that we are eager to make and show off. But for some people, Halloween is every day of the year. They say anything can be art, so Italian artist Valeriano Fatica chose food as his medium. In his talented hands, watermelons, pumpkins, potatoes, carrots, avocados, cheese, truffles, and even tiny coffee beans turn into incredibly detailed sculptures that look just too good to eat. We've previously shared some of his most fascinating sculptures of the Night King from Game of Thrones and a terrifying dragon carved out from a watermelon, but needless to say, there is nothing Fatica can't sculpt.
万圣节最令人兴奋的部分之一就是用一个南瓜雕刻成的令人毛骨悚然的装饰品,我们渴望制作并炫耀。但对一些人来说,万圣节是一年中的每一天。他们说任何东西都可以成为艺术,所以意大利艺术家Valeriano Fatica选择了食物作为他的媒介。在他的天才之手下,西瓜、南瓜、土豆、胡萝卜、牛油果、奶酪、松露,甚至是微小的咖啡豆都变成了精美绝伦的雕塑,看起来美得让人难以置信。我们之前已经分享了他在《权力的游戏》中最迷人的夜王雕塑,以及用西瓜雕刻出的可怕的龙,但不用说,没有什么是Fatica雕刻不出来的。
Fatica spends hours playing with food and we've collected his best works. I hope you are hungry, because on today's menu, you'll get a delicious watermelon Gollum, a cheesy Jesus, an avocado Pikachu, a potato Cthulhu, a pumpkin Joker, a coffee bean Hulk, and many more. Don't forget to upvote your favorites!
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