英语听力汇总   |   Tango Gao的聪明漫画





Clever Comics By Tango Gao

Tango Gao的聪明漫画

Chinese illustrator Shanghai Tango (Tango Gao) is a well-known artist who is renowned for his clever and thought-provoking comics that do not fail to portray their meaning even if the artist is not using any words.

中国上海插画家Tango Gao是一位著名的艺术家,他以其聪明和发人深省的漫画而闻名,即使艺术家没有使用任何文字,也不会遗漏其含义。

He has been featured on Bored Panda quite a few times already, but today, we would like to share with you some of his new work that you probably haven’t had the chance to see yet.

他已经在Bored Panda网站上出现过好几次了,但是今天,我们想和你分享一些你可能还没有机会看到的他的新作品。

The artist draws some brilliantly witty comics that have both visual and intellectual humor. Instead of using words in his comics like most other artists do, Tango uses shadows, shapes, and perspectives. He does not only portray the incredible simplicity of his work in a minimalistic manner, but also sends a profound message that might give you a look at the world in a slightly different way.


Tango began creating these illustrations back in 2010, which was now roughly a decade ago. He was prompted by a friend, and by drawing daily, he developed a habit pretty quickly. As of now, the artist has over 241k followers on Instagram and shares his unique work with thousands of people around the world.













More info: Instagram | Facebook | tango2010weibo.tumblr.com