英语听力汇总   |   我的10幅新漫画比较了新冠肺炎爆发前后的生活





My 10 New Cartoons That Compare Life Before And After COVID-19


My name is Irina Blok, and I am a designer based in San Francisco. Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, we've had to adjust to living in the new normal. Everything has changed dramatically, from working to socializing and doing daily tasks. I myself have been working remotely for almost a year now, and all my travel plans and vacations got canceled. As a silver lining, I've had a lot more time for creative hobbies, such as cooking and drawing. One day, I started drawing cartoons to help blow off stress, naming the series Covid Life. One of my first cartoons was about highlighting the absurdity of doing multiple tasks, like going to a doctor, socializing, working, etc.—all from the couch.

我叫Irina Blok,是旧金山的一名设计师。新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,我们不得不适应新常态。从工作到社交,再到日常事务,一切都发生了巨大的变化。我自己已经远程工作将近一年了,我所有的旅行计划和假期都被取消了。幸运的是,我有更多的时间从事创造性的爱好,比如烹饪和绘画。有一天,我开始画卡通画来缓解压力,把这个系列命名为《Covid Life》。我最早画的漫画之一就是强调同时做多项任务的荒谬,比如看医生、社交、工作等等——所有这些都在沙发上完成。

Because the pandemic has touched the whole world, Covid Life cartoons have become very relatable to the global audience. After I posted cartoons on Bored Panda (I, II, III), they became viral, reaching millions of people worldwide, and have been translated to more than 30 different languages, including Japanese, Mongolian, Russian, Spanish, and Greek!

因为这种流行病已经影响了全世界,Covid Life的动画片已经变得与全球观众密切相关。我在Bored Panda上发布了漫画(I、II、III)之后,它们像病毒一样传播开来,在全世界有数百万人,并被翻译成30多种不同的语言,包括日语、蒙古语、俄语、西班牙语和希腊语!

The pandemic is not a laughing matter, but sometimes laughter is the best medicine. I hope you enjoy these and hope the pandemic will be over soon.












图片来源:irina blok

More info: Instagram | irinablok.com