At this point, it has sort of turned into a beautiful tradition for people to take some time after each new Apple release, roll up their sleeves, and craft some hilarious memes roasting the product. And as you may already know, this week, the company has unveiled their new AirPods Max—wireless headphones featuring high-fidelity audio, active noise cancellation, and other impressive properties. But here's the thing—these new headphones cost a pretty penny, to say the least. $549, to be exact. And even though it shouldn't be that much of a shocker knowing Apple, some people were indeed quite shocked by the price tag. And that's how the meme treatment began.
在这一点上,这已经成为一个美丽的传统,人们花一些时间在每一个新的苹果发布后,卷起他们的袖子,制作一些滑稽的表情包产品。你可能已经知道,本周该公司发布了新的AirPods max无线耳机,它具有高保真音频、积极消除噪音和其他令人印象深刻的特性。但问题是,这些新的耳机至少要花一大笔钱。确切地说是549美元。虽然了解苹果公司的人应该不会感到太震惊,但有些人确实被它的价格标签震惊了。这就是表情包治疗的开始。
Some people took it a step further and dived in to do a more thorough investigation into the new Apple headphones. Apparently, there are some more hilarious things about this product. For instance, some folks started noticing how the carrying case that these AirPods Max come with sort of looks like a purse or a bra. The list goes on.
有些人更进一步,对新款苹果耳机做了更彻底的调查。显然,这款产品还有一些更搞笑的地方。例如,一些人开始注意到这些AirPods Max附带的耳机盒子看起来有点像钱包或胸罩。这样的例子不胜枚举。
Without further ado, Bored Panda invites you to look through some of the most hilarious reactions roasting the new $549 AirPods Max Headphones.
废话少说,无聊熊猫邀请你来看看最搞笑的反应,看看AirPods Max售价549美元的新款耳机。
图片来源:Lukas Garnelis