Hello, my friends! In my previous post, I introduced you to my silly little webcomic, Clams on the Side. During the course of this past year, the webcomic chugged along at its usual pace until this past August, when a new member of our family arrived.
However, the comic was not fully in limbo, as I undertook what would be a fun and frustrating (let's call it FUNSTRATING) little project with the Clams universe that involved a single panel and the wonderful world of alliteration. What started off as a simple project turned into many hours of staring at dictionary.com (and the like) trying to piece together sentences that made sense as well as sounded right.
Below you will see the result of those many hours of funstration—all these single-panel comics from letters A to Z... alliterated.
And if you want to check out more of the webcomic , you can hit up my Instagram profile.
Thanks so much for your time, and I hope you all have a great rest of your year.
图片来源:Will Dudla
More info: Instagram | Facebook | clamsontheside.com | patreon.com | twitter.com