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This Instagram Account Is Dedicated To Showing The Most Bizarre Thrift Store Finds


A thrift store is a truly wonderful place for sustainable fashion enthusiasts and those looking to broaden their fashion horizons with some unique clothing pieces. Though if you've ever been to one, you probably know how bizarre they sometimes tend to get.


People following this one Instagram account called thriftstoreart know this quite well. The account we're talking about is purely dedicated to all kinds of weird and questionable art objects found at thrift stores, and it currently has over 6,000 posts and more than 183,000 followers. Yes, this account is pretty popular, and we're not surprised about it at all.


Approximately half a year ago, we published an article highlighting some of the most bizarre thrift store finds shared on the account, but since then, a lot has happened and a lot more questionable items happened to be discovered. With that being said, we invite you to look through an updated list of some of the weirdest art objects ever found in thrift stores.












图片来源:Lukas Garnelis

More info: Instagram