人们用搞笑表情包来取笑新款iPhone 12
This isn’t how you want the public to react to your newest product. Apple has just unveiled their newest iPhone model, the iPhone 12, and people are already poking fun at the fact that the smartphone looks an awful lot like the iPhone 5.
这不是你希望公众对你最新产品的反应。苹果公司刚刚发布了他们最新的iPhone型号,iPhone 12,人们已经开始嘲笑这款智能手机看起来非常像iPhone 5了。
Bored Panda has collected some of the funniest reactions to this bit of news, so scroll on down and upvote your fave ones. Be sure to let us know what your first reactions to the iPhone 12 were, dear Pandas. The annual Apple event had to be pushed back from September to October because of the coronavirus pandemic. And while some people think the reveal was worth the wait, others are still on the fence about the product.
Bored Panda网站收集了一些对这条新闻最有趣的反应,所以往下翻,给你最喜欢的投票吧。亲爱的读者,一定要告诉我们你对iPhone 12的第一反应是什么。由于冠状病毒大流行,苹果的年度活动不得不从9月推迟到10月。虽然有些人认为值得等待,但也有人对这款产品持观望态度。
Bored Panda reached out to Saul Ponce, one of the people whose memes about the iPhone 12 went viral online. Scroll down for our interview with them.
Bored Panda网站向索尔·庞塞进行了采访,他是关于iPhone 12的表情包在网上疯传的人之一。来看看我们对他的采访吧。
图片来源:Jonas Grinevičius