英语听力汇总   |   7年前,我开始学习100种绘画方法,这里是其中一种





7 Years Ago, I Started Learning 100 Methods Of Drawing, Here Is One Of Them


I am a self-taught artist from Kazakhstan with no background in arts. I started drawing as a hobby in 2013 and learned everything by myself. I was interested in mixed-media arts and one of my favorite methods of creating artwork is cutting real tree leaves.


Usually, it takes up to 6 hours for one leaf cutout. I've spent days and nights upgrading my skills. There was a time where I literally slept for 3-4 hours a day. But I can say with confidence that all my efforts were not in vain. Since that time, my work has gone viral throughout the internet and last year, I had a chance to work with Nickelodeon and Disney. I cut popular characters for Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. and they used my photos on their social media accounts. Disney asked me to create something extraordinary for Maleficent 2 and Frozen 2 for their marketing campaign.

通常,剪一片叶子需要6个小时。我夜以继日地提高我的技能。有一段时间,我几乎每天睡3-4个小时。但我可以自信地说,我所有的努力都没有白费。从那时起,我的作品在互联网上走红,去年,我有机会与Nickelodeon和迪斯尼合作。我为Nickelodeon和Nick Jr.剪辑了一些受欢迎的角色,他们在他们的社交媒体账户上使用了我的照片。迪士尼让我为《沉睡魔咒2》和《冰雪奇缘2》的营销活动创作一些不同寻常的东西。











图片来源:Kanat Nurtazin

More info: Instagram