"Working long hours and sleeping less than seven hours has become a badge of honor in many industries despite evidence that proves a lack of sleep hurts productivity,safety and overall health,"former American Academy of Sleep Medicine president Dr Ilene Rosen said in a statement.
“尽管有证据表明睡眠不足会影响生产力、安全性和整体健康,但长时间工作且睡眠时间低于7小时已成为众多行业的行为标杆。”美国睡眠医学会前任主席艾琳·卢森(Ilene Rosen)博士在一份声明中说道。
Worldwide,a lack of sleep among the workforce in the US,Britain,Canada,Germany and Japan costs their economies half a trillion dollars per year collectively,according to a 2016 study by the Rand Corp.
兰德公司(Rand Corp)于2016年开展的一项研究表示,全世界范围内,美国、英国、加拿大、德国和日本的劳动力睡眠不足使它们的经济损失共5万亿美元。
The United States alone loses$411 billion per year due to tired workers.The decline in productivity means an estimated 1.23 million days are lost per year due to health-related employee absences,Rand found.
If people get more sleep,it could boost the global economy,research by Rand suggests.Rand found that if workers who slept under six hours snoozed for seven hours instead,it could add$226.4 billion to the US economy,$29.9 billion to the UK,$34.1 billion to Germany,$12 billion to Canada and$75.7 billion to Japan's economy.
Failing to get a good night's rest can wreak havoc on health,affecting people's ability to work,their mental health,blood pressure and mortality rate,warns the American Sleep Association.
"Approximately 70 million US adults reported sleeping less than six hours in a 24-hour period in 2012,"said Camilo Ruiz,medical director of the Choice Physicians Sleep Center in Miami,Florida,in an email to China Daily."Make sleep a priority during the work week(because)catching up on your sleep during the weekend may not be enough to stave off the effects of sleep loss."
“2012年,大约有700万名美国成年人一天睡眠不足6小时,”佛罗里达州迈阿密市选择医生睡眠中心的医学主任卡米洛·瑞兹(Camilo Ruiz)在写给《中国日报》的邮件中说道。“工作周应优先考虑睡眠问题,因为周末补觉可能并不足以抵消睡眠不足的影响。”
A lack of sleep can also lead to more serious conditions,including sleep apnea,when people stop breathing during sleep;insomnia,restless leg syndrome and excessive daytime sleepiness,known as narcolepsy.