英语听力汇总   |   艺术家在她的插图中将老鼠置于人类情境中





Artist Places Mice In Human Situations In Her Illustrations


Sometimes we wonder what's inside the minds of animals, what are they thinking and what do they do throughout the day. And while we can only guess how the daily life of animals look, one artist decided to imagine it by placing animals in human situations.


Lucia Heffernan is an American-Taiwanese graphic designer and oil painter who creates animal illustrations depicting the daily life of animals as if they were humans. Her imaginative works show animals taking long baths with bubbles, stretching their muscles with others in the gym, and sipping expensive whiskey and smoking cigars while playing poker just like in Cassius Marcellus Coolidge's painting "Dogs Playing Poker". Though all her illustrations are whimsical, goofy and distinctive, her series featuring mice definitely stands out of the crowd.


"My body of work is an expression and exploration of my lifelong fascination with animals. Through my paintings, I seek to give animals a voice and a personality, while making light of our uniquely human existence. By imagining what animals might do if put in human situations, I stage tableaus that shine a spotlight on both their innocence and raw instinct. This collision between animal and human sensibilities creates a whimsical, theatrical, and often humorous world that viewers can relate to on an emotional level" - said the artist to Bored Panda.

“我的作品是对我一生对动物的迷恋的一种表达和探索。通过我的绘画,我试图给动物一个声音和一个个性,同时照亮我们独特的人类生存。通过想象动物在人类的环境中会做什么,我布置了一些场景,让人们注意到它们的天真和原始本能。这种动物和人类情感的碰撞创造了一个异想天开的、戏剧性的、经常是幽默的世界,观众可以在情感层面上与之产生共鸣。”艺术家对Bored Panda说。

The artist says that she has been drawing since she can remember and constantly experimenting with different styles of contemporary realism. This has helped her to form her unique style, technique and a good sense of humor. So we invite you to step into this imaginary world where mice are living the best of their lives and everything is possible.












More info: Instagram | luciaheffernan.com | Facebook

图片来源:Lucia Heffernan