英语听力汇总   |   由于罕见的紊乱,少女一笑就会晕倒





Teen becomes paralyzed when she laughs due to rare disorder


Billie Hodgson is the rare person who can text “ROFL” and not be accused of hyperbole. The UK teen suffers from a rare condition that causes her to fall to the floor every time she laughs.

比利·霍奇森(Billie Hodgson)是极少数能发“ROFL”短信而不被指责夸张的人。这位英国少女患有一种罕见的病症,每次笑的时候都会摔倒在地。

The 17-year-old has cataplexy, a neurological disorder characterized by sudden, uncontrollable muscle paralysis when she experiences a strong emotion, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Cataplexy often occurs in conjunction with narcolepsy, a disorder marked by spontaneous “sleep attacks,” which are paradoxically sparked by excitement.

美国国家睡眠基金会(National Sleep Foundation)的数据显示,这名17岁的少女患有猝倒症(cataplexy),这是一种神经系统疾病,当她情绪激动时,会突然出现无法控制的肌肉麻痹。猝倒症常常与嗜睡症同时发生,嗜睡症是一种以自发性“睡眠发作”为特征的疾病,而这种发作往往是由兴奋引起的。


“It’s so hard to explain how it feels when I collapse,” says Hodgson, adding that the condition is especially frustrating because she’s conscious during the paralysis. “It’s like you have no control over your body.”


It would be nearly impossible for a teen’s social life not to suffer because of it.


The naturally bubbly high-school senior says she tries “not to be as involved in funny situations to avoid cataplexy, especially in front of those who are not as familiar with it.”


And while Hodgson says her friends try not to crack jokes in front of her, the silence often triggers awkward laughter all the same. Fortunately, she has learned to see the funny side of her condition, admitting “I have to make light of it.”
