英语听力汇总   |   斯蒂芬·施米茨所著的关于我们生活的发人深省而又诚实的插图





Thought-Provoking And Honest Illustrations About Our Lives By Stephan Schmitz


Some illustrations play the role of entertaining, others are created to inspire, and there are some who deliver a strong message and are thought-provoking. This is the case with award-winning conceptual illustrator Stephan Schmitz based in Zürich, Switzerland who creates clever and honest illustrations that perfectly depict the modern world.


Stephan Schmitz's works are like visual metaphors that tell simple stories revealing the true face of our world. It surprises us with symbolism and depth which some of us long for in the world where everything is already thought for us. Many of us will recognize our hidden and suppressed emotions that we tend to keep to ourselves because they are hard to talk about.


Every illustration is like a puzzle that a viewer has to solve as the subject matter can only be seen if you take a really good look at it. The artist only provides us visual clues and we are the ones who have to connect the dots. His choice of a subtle palette of colors makes these illustrations surreal and obscure reflecting on not so simple matters. So we invite you to take a look at these mind-bending illustrations and consider how much they really represent our lives. If you will want to see more of his illustrations, you can also check his previous post here on Bored Panda.

每一幅插图都像一个谜题,观赏者必须解决,因为只有当你真正仔细地看它才能看到主题。艺术家只给我们提供视觉上的线索,而我们必须把这些点连接起来。他选择了一个微妙的调色板的颜色,使这些插图超现实和模糊的反映了不那么简单的事情。所以,我们邀请你来看看这些令人费解的插图,并思考一下它们到底在多大程度上代表了我们的生活。如果你想看更多他的插图,你也可以在Bored Panda上查看他以前的帖子。

#1 Self-Doubts


#2 And I‘m Sorry About The Moon. How Could I Know You‘d Disapprove?


#3 Am I The Same Person In Different Situations?


#4 Peace


#5 How To Conquer Your Fears And Use Them To Your Advantage


#6 Professional Guinea Pigs


#7 Because Of A Strange Law Released In 1800 Women In Paris Officially Weren‘t Allowed To Wear Pants Up Until The Year 2013


#8 The Crisis The Catholic Church Faces


#9 Our Relationship With Our Phones


#10 How We Become Who We Are


More info: Instagram | stephan-schmitz.ch

图片来源:Stephan Schmitz