英语听力汇总   |   在科技环境中长大的千禧一代,并不介意科技取代他们





Millennials raised on tech are fine with it replacing them


Millennials bored by low-level service jobs say bring it on — automate their jobs, please.


And advanced technology is doing just that in spades — with some 2.5 million jobs at risk in New York City alone because of artificial intelligence, according to a study by Oliver Wyman Forum.

奥纬咨询(Oliver Wyman)论坛的一项研究显示,先进的技术正让这一切成为可能——仅在纽约市,就有大约250万个工作岗位因为人工智能而面临风险。


“I see it as a benefit, which is a different perspective than many in the older generation,” said Acamea Deadwiler, a 30-something writer and author based in Las Vegas who recalls being dazzled by the automated mail carts that replaced humans at her former workplace.

“我认为这是一种好处,与许多老一辈人的观点不同。”住在拉斯维加斯的30多岁作家阿卡梅·德威勒(Acamea Deadwiler)说。

“They could move on and off the elevators, and drop mail at your desk — it was pretty cool,” she told The Post. “But when I told older members of my family, they were appalled at the idea people could be put out of work because of this technology.”


Deadwiler is one of a growing number of millennials who enthusiastically support more work automation — especially of the boring parts.


That puzzles some analysts, since that generation is so heavily in debt, saddled by an average of more than $30,000 in student loan balances. Plus many millennials are in low-paid service jobs that could soon be eliminated by bots.


The explanation for their fervor may lie in a new survey by global outsourcing company SKYES.


It shows that millennials believe they have personally benefited from tech advances more than older workers do.


While a large majority of American workers overall says technology has not yet helped them with the drudgery of mind-numbing labor, more than 41% of 25-to-34-year-olds say they have been “assisted” by an automation program at work in 2019 — nearly twice as many as workers aged 54 and older.


“Today’s younger generations are digital natives, immersed in tech from childhood, making them well-acquainted with how to augment their lives with technology,” Ian Barkin, chief strategy officer at SYKES, told The Post.
