英语听力汇总   |   图片总结了地球上发生在澳大利亚的“灾难”





Pics That Sum Up The Hell On Earth That Is Taking Place In Australia


In 2020, it feels like we’ve reached a new level of tension. Nearly everyone’s talking about the possibility of World War Three breaking out. Meanwhile, Australia’s still on fire, with devastating consequences.


To show you just how serious the situation is, Bored Panda collected a list of images that prove that things are absolutely terrifying in the Land Down Under. Scroll down and let us know in the comments which images of the Australian bushfires left their mark on you. And if you’re currently in Australia, dear Pandas, let us know what the situation is like and stay safe.

为了告诉你情况有多严重,Bored Panda网站收集了一系列图片,证明地球上的东西绝对是可怕的。向下滚动,让我们在评论中知道哪些澳大利亚丛林大火的图片给你留下了印记。如果你现在在澳大利亚,亲爱的读者们,请让我们知道情况并保持安全。

When you’re done with this post, have a read through Bored Panda’s other articles about the Australian fires. Including about a hero dog who finds koalas who survived the bushfires, how the Irwin family already helped 90,000 animals, as well as a historian’s explanation of what’s going on in the country right now.

当你看完这篇文章后,请阅读一下Bored Panda网站上关于澳大利亚火灾的其他文章。其中包括一只发现了在丛林大火中幸存的考拉的英雄狗,欧文一家如何帮助了9万只动物,以及一位历史学家对这个国家现在正在发生的事情的解释。

#1 Quite Literally Watching Your World Burn


#2 To Our Nation's True Heroes - The Thousands Of Firefighters Currently Battling Fires Across Our Country, We Thank You From The Bottom Of Our Hearts


#3 Since The Fire Has Passed Through Mallacoota This Amazing, Selfless Young Guy Has Been Out Searching For Injured Wildlife. This Is One Of 7 Koalas He's Saved So Far


#4 Neighbours Helping Out Strangers During The Australian Bushfires. Everything Helps And It All Adds Up!


#5 I'm So Proud Of My Country, Our Volunteer Firefighters Are Legends In Their Own Category


#6 The Kangaroo Is Drenched In Water After Approaching A Human For Help


#7 This Fire Fighter (And All Ff’s) Saving The People, Animals, And Homes In Australia


#8 After Spotting A Koala Crossing A Road Amongst The Flames A Woman Rushed To The Animal’s Aid, Wrapping It In Her Shirt And Pouring Water Over It


#9 My Family Have Been Fighting These Fires On Our Farm And Our Community Nonstop For Over A Month


#10 Australian Hillside Glows Like Lava After Being Consumed By Bushfire


图片来源:Jonas Grinevičius