If there’s one thing that’s more adorable than a dog, it’s a canine with something to say. Meet ‘Dog With Sign’—a cute pupper with a protest sign in its mouth with hilarious doggo-related phrases.
如果说有什么东西比狗更可爱的话,那就是有话要说的狗。来认识一下“Dog With Sign”——一只可爱的小狗,它的嘴里叼着一个抗议标语,上面写着与狗有关的搞笑短语。
We’ve got a real treat for you (pun not intended): some of the very best and funniest pictures from the ‘Dog With Sign’ Instagram account. Get ready to enjoy some chuckle-worthy content and remember to upvote your fave pics of the good girl Baboy. Scroll down for our interview with the doggo's owner, and be sure to drop us a comment (or two!) about which protest signs you loved most.
我们为你准备了一份真正的大餐(不是有意的双关语):来自Instagram账号“Dog With Sign”的一些最棒、最有趣的照片。准备好欣赏一些值得一笑的内容吧,记得为你最喜欢的好女孩狒狒的照片投票。向下滚动到我们对狗狗主人的采访,一定要给我们留下评论(或两个!)关于你最喜欢的抗议标志。
Oh, and when you’re done with this list, check out Bored Panda’s previous ‘Dude With Sign’ article and see if you can spot any similarities to the ‘Dog With Sign’ account.
哦,当你完成了这个列表,看看Bored Panda之前的“Dude with Sign”文章,看看你是否能发现它与“Dog with Sign”账户有任何相似之处。
More info: Instagram