英语听力汇总   |   和其他25000人一起,拥有这座童话般的法国城堡的平民们





Meet the commoners who own this fairytale French castle — with 25,000 other people


For most of the year, Willy Nanlohij, a 62-year-old retired bank worker, lives with his wife Hilda in a comfortable yet unremarkable home in the Dutch city of Enschede.

今年的大部分时间里,62岁的退休银行职员威利·南洛希(Willy Nanlohij)和妻子希尔达(Hilda)住在荷兰恩斯赫德市(Enschede)一栋舒适而又平凡的房子里。

But on Saturday night, the couple were trying out their new status as owners of a fairytale French chateau that dates back to the thirteenth century and comes with turrets, a clock-tower and a moat.


“It was a childhood dream,” Nanlohij said. Surveying his property, his wife at his side, he added: “I feel something in my belly, excitement.”



Their dream comes with a few caveats: they share ownership with 25,000 people who joined an innovative crowd-funding campaign (minimum contribution 50 euros) and the chateau is an uninhabitable ruin.


But none of that diluted the romance for Nanlohij when he joined 350 of those co-owners for a pre-Christmas party on the grounds, to get a taste of what it feels like to join the ranks of French chateau owners.


The Mothe Chandeniers chateau, 185 miles south-west of Paris, is steeped in a history of wealth and privilege.

位于巴黎西南185英里处的酩悦香槟庄园(Mothe Chandeniers chateau)有着悠久的财富和特权历史。

Built in the 13th century, Mothe Chandeniers was captured by English invaders in the Middle Ages.

建于13世纪的Mothe Chandeniers在中世纪被英国侵略者占领。

In 1654, Marquis Francois II transformed it into a lavish home with gardens and parks. Paris entrepreneur Francois Hennecart took it over in 1809 and restored it, and Baron Edgard Lejeune and his wife Marie Ardoin later transformed it into a neo-gothic structure

1654年,弗朗索瓦二世(Marquis Francois II)把它变成了一座带有花园和公园的豪华住宅。1809年,巴黎企业家弗朗索瓦·亨内卡特(Francois Hennecart)接手并修复了它,埃加德·勒琼男爵(Baron Edgard Lejeune)和他的妻子玛丽·阿登(Marie Ardoin)后来把它改造成了一座新哥特式建筑。


But in 1932, fire destroyed the interior and the roof. Since then, the chateau has stood abandoned with trees growing inside it.


The crowd-funding initiative, launched in 2017 by a French company that aims to use new funding models to preserve historical monuments, raised 1.6 million euros, from 25,000 people in 115 countries, including Cuba and Burkina Faso.
