英语听力汇总   |   更环保的方式,来进行埋葬





Promessa, a Swedish company that wants to revolutionize how to reduce the ecological footprint in traditional burials, is focusing on Kansas to introduce its product in the U.S. because the state has what some consider relatively lax cremation laws, a report said.


The procedure, according to the Kansas City Star, is called promession. In standard cremation the body is broken down by fire. Promession consists of the freezing the body with liquid nitrogen and then “vibrating it into particles,” the report said.

据《堪萨斯城星报》(Kansas City Star)报道,这个过程被称为“承诺”(promession)。在标准的火葬中,尸体被火分解。报告称,“承诺”会用液氮冻结尸体,然后“将其振动成颗粒”。


Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak, the biologist who founded the company, said in an interview that promession is cost-effective and eco-friendly.

该公司创始人、生物学家苏珊娜•维格•穆萨克(Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak)在接受采访时表示,promession既划算又环保。

“You are still in an organic form, which means you are not broken down, you are still food for the soil and if you spread it around you will be food for birds, or fish, or whatever,” she told Wired in 2013.


The interest in “greener” ways to bury the dead has become a topic that other states in the country are considering. Washington last May became the first state to allow the composting of human bodies. Licensed facilities in the state will offer a “natural organic reduction.” The body is mixed with substances like wood chips into about two wheelbarrows’ worth of soil in a span of several weeks. Loved ones are allowed to keep the soil to spread, just as they might spread the ashes of someone who has been cremated — or even use it to plant vegetables or a tree.
