英语听力汇总   |   俄罗斯艺术家的可爱毛毡动物可能会用他们可爱的眼睛催眠你





Russian Artist’s Cute Felted Wool Animals Might Hypnotize You With Their Googly Eyes


Somewhere in Khabarovsk, Russia, there lives a passionate felted wool artist that makes the cutest woodland animals that seem like they came out of a Disney movie. Her name is Yulia Derevschikova, and she's been doing this since 2015 and she has created over a hundred of these adorable little critters. One animal takes at least 20 hours to make, so it requires great dedication. She says her source of inspiration comes from her love for animals. Her works have a great mix of realism and aesthetics: the fur looks almost real, and you can't resist their googly eyes and adorable small features.

在俄罗斯哈巴罗夫斯克的某个地方,住着一位热情的毛毡艺术家,他制作出了最可爱的森林动物,就像出自迪斯尼电影。她的名字叫Yulia Derevschikova,她从2015年开始做这个,她已经创造了100多个可爱的小动物。一只动物至少需要20个小时才能完成,所以它需要极大的奉献精神。她说她的灵感来源于她对动物的热爱。她的作品融合了现实主义和美学:皮毛看起来几乎是真的,你无法抗拒它们的眼睛和可爱的小五官。

Looking at her works, it's no wonder that Yulia acquired many fans over the years. She even started selling and sending them to other cities and she claims that people get excited for each and every delivery: "The positive emotions I get when I deliver an order to the customer are very valuable to me, it gives me inspiration," the artist told Bored Panda.

看看她的作品,难怪这些年尤利娅获得了很多粉丝。她甚至开始销售,并把它们送到其他城市。她说,人们对每一次送货都很兴奋。当我向客户发出订单时,我得到的积极情感对我来说是非常有价值的,它给了我灵感,”艺术家告诉Bored Panda.

So check out this adorable portfolio of her works and try not to fall in love with these cute little critters.












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图片来源:Yulia Derevshchikova