英语听力汇总   |   一对夫妇提供了年薪4万美元的全职狗保姆岗位





Couple offers $40K for full-time dog sitter


A London couple is offering $40,000 a year to look after their two golden retrievers full time. However, there’s a slight catch: You’re essentially becoming their butler or maid.


The couple, who resides in Knightsbridge, posted the job listing to Silver Swan recruitment service, where they declare they’re “both international business people who travel frequently and have 2 dogs,” Oscar and Milo. As such, they need a full-time fur fanatic to take “sole responsibility of their dogs in their absence.”



The gig, which runs from Monday to Friday (“and occasional weekends”), specifically seeks an “experienced and passionate caretaker” to take Oscar and Milo on routine walks, coordinate with the dog walker and cleaner, and other dog-related duties. And they’ll even shell out a pretty penny for your services: $38,676-$41,254 a year, plus room and board.

这项工作从周一持续到周五(“偶尔也有周末”),要求“有经验、有激情的看护者”带奥斯卡和米洛进行日常散步,充当遛狗员和保洁员,以及其他与狗有关的工作。他们甚至会为你的服务支付一大笔钱:每年38676 - 41254美元,外加食宿。

Getting paid almost three times minimum wage to rollick around with furry friends all day might sound like a dream job. However, the caveat is you’ll also have to do daily housekeeping, laundry, grocery shopping and prepare “simple, light cooking of evening meals when required (catering for a vegan).”


Oh, and you will also be expected to handle “greeting visitors & taking calls” — effectively becoming the help.
