英语听力汇总   |   结构检查中最糟糕的事情





Worst Things Seen During Structural Inspections


You’d think that the worst things that structural inspectors find would be faulty foundations, hideous holes in houses, as well as asbestos in the attic. However, some inspectors seem to have bad luck following them about because they stumble upon the weirdest, creepiest, and horrifying things during their examinations of buildings. Like skulls. Or occult altars. Or dolls that have a ghost living inside of them and whose eyes are totally following you when you look away.


Bored Panda interviewed Derek Marier from California-based Alpha Structural, Inc. about the strange things that he and his co-workers find during their inspections. In fact, there are so many peculiar finds that Marier makes a weekly thread on Imgur about them and always gets the internet’s attention. In fact, the company already has nearly 11,000 followers on Instagram because of the interesting things that its employees see while on the job. We’ve collected some of the best examples to help showcase that the supernatural might be among us.

Bored Panda采访了加利福尼亚Alpha Structural公司的Derek Marier,关于他和他的同事在检查过程中发现的奇怪事情。事实上,有这么多奇怪的发现,玛丽尔每周都在Imgur上发布关于它们的帖子,并总是得到互联网的关注。事实上,该公司在Instagram上已经有近1.1万名粉丝,因为员工在工作时看到的有趣事情。我们收集了一些最好的例子来证明超自然现象可能就在我们身边。

According to Marier, he found a skull during one inspection and it turned out to be over 1,000 years old!


“Coming across things such as the dolls or a skull shake you up at first. You’re expecting to locate a structural defect but come end up finding something you can almost label as satanic or ancient. I would have to say the skull gave me the biggest chills by far. I assumed that it was fake right from the start, but I didn’t realize that I picked up an actual skull from Peru which was estimated at being 1,000+ years old,” Marier went into detail during an interview with Bored Panda.


Scroll down for Bored Panda’s full interview with him.

向下滚动查看Bored Panda对他的完整采访。

So scroll down, upvote your favorite freaky finds, and leave us a comment about which things you thought were the strangest and why. When you’re done with this list, be sure to check out Bored Panda’s previous posts about nightmares and miracles spotted during inspections, as well as the worst thing seen during inspections.

所以,向下滚动,为你最喜欢的怪异发现投票,给我们留下你认为最奇怪的事情和原因的评论。当你完成了这个列表,一定要看看Bored Panda之前发布的关于检查中发现的噩梦和奇迹,以及检查中看到的最糟糕的事情的帖子。











More info: AlphaStructural.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
