英语听力汇总   |   有人用诚实而有趣的图表总结了我们的生活





Guy Makes Honest And Funny Charts That Sum Up Our Lives


Charts. Graphs. Doodles. Whenever you put a bored Panda in front of a whiteboard, they’re very likely to let their creative talents loose. But how many of us have thought of turning drawing on whiteboards into a profession? Meet Matt Shirley. He draws hilarious charts and has a huge following online.

图表。表格。涂鸦。每当你把一个bored Panda用户放在白板前,他们很可能会释放他们的创造性才能。但是我们中有多少人想过把在白板上画画变成一种职业呢?来认识一下马特·雪莉。他画了很多搞笑的图表,在网上有很多粉丝。

Shirley does them all masterfully and he’s a professional at using them to show the humorous side of life. What’s more, he has an outstanding work ethic: he tries to draw a graph every single day. That’s the sort of dedication you’d usually see only in top-tier athletes and best-selling authors.


Bored Panda talked to Shirley about his charts, what keeps him motivated to draw daily doodles, as well as what graphs have that other mediums don’t. Scroll down for our in-depth interview, upvote your favorite charts, and share the ones you like with your friends.

Bored Panda网站和雪莉聊了聊他的图表,是什么让他有动力去画日常涂鸦,还有什么图表是其他媒介没有的。向下滚动查看我们的深度访谈,为你最喜欢的图表投票,并与你的朋友分享你喜欢的图表。

After you’re done with this article, have a look through our previous post featuring Shirley’s charts.












More info: Instagram | MattShirleyCharts.com | Facebook | Twitter | Patreon
