When we were children, we all had our favorite superheroes usually possessing some cool supernatural or superhuman powers that we all dreamed we had. Fighting evil, battling twisted villains, and protecting innocent people was their everyday duty and we would imagine that one day when we grow up, we too would save the day. Even though most of us forgot these dreams when we grew up, one artist decided to bring one of our favorite superheroes to life and once again let him save the world, however, this time not with his superpowers but with his... cuteness overload. Bored Panda got in touch with the artist behind the Spider-Man and kitty photographs.
当我们还是孩子的时候,我们都有我们最喜欢的超级英雄,他们通常拥有一些我们都梦想过的超能力。与邪恶作斗争,与变态的恶棍作斗争,保护无辜的人是他们每天的职责。尽管我们大多数人长大后都忘记了这些梦想,但一位艺术家决定让我们最喜欢的超级英雄之一起死回生,再一次让他拯救世界,不过这次不是用他的超能力,而是用他的……可爱。Bored Panda网站与蜘蛛侠和猫咪照片背后的艺术家取得了联系。
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