英语听力汇总   |   Adidas:为超级粉丝准备的UltraBOOST系列球鞋





Adidas ‘Star Wars’ collection: UltraBOOST kicks for super fans


May the footwear be with you.


Adidas launches its new “Star Wars” collaboration with Lucasfilm into the fashion stratosphere Thursday with a new Space Battle pack, to be followed by characters-themed kicks on Nov. 29.

阿迪达斯(Adidas)与卢卡斯影业(Lucasfilm)合作的新《星球大战》(Star Wars)系列将于周四发布,这款全新的太空战套装将引领时尚潮流,11月29日将推出人物主题系列。

The just-released Space Battle pack pairs Adidas’ popular running shoe brands with beloved “Star Wars” icons.

刚刚发布的这款太空战装将阿迪达斯(Adidas)颇受欢迎的跑鞋品牌与深受喜爱的“星球大战”(Star Wars)图标搭配起来。


The $180 UltraBOOST 19 pays homage to the speediest “hunk of junk in the galaxy,” IGN reports. The blue and grey design features a futuristic metallic element reminiscent of the Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon, while the heel contains the iconic starship’s “blueprints.”

IGN报道称,售价180美元的UltraBOOST 19是为了向“银河系中速度最快的垃圾”致敬。蓝色和灰色的设计特点是一种未来主义的金属元素,让人想起汉·索罗(Han Solo)的千年隼(Millennium Falcon),而鞋跟则包含了标志性的星际飞船的“蓝图”。

Get ready to fan out, franchise diehards: A tab on the back of the trainer is emblazoned with Solo’s “Never tell me the odds” catchphrase and “Jump to lightspeed.”

准备好出发吧,铁杆粉丝们:教练背后的标签上印着索罗的“别告诉我胜算有多小”(Never tell me the odds)口号和“跳向光速”(Jump to lightspeed)。

Meanwhile, the $180 UltraBOOST S&L is an ode to the Rebel Alliance’s X-Wing Starfighter with a grey and orange outer shell, reflective detailing and strip bearing the legendary words: “May the Force be with you, always.”

与此同时,售价180美元的UltraBOOST S&L是对反叛军联盟的x翼星际战斗机的颂歌,它有着灰色和橙色的外壳,反光的细节和长条上写着传奇的文字:“愿原力永远与你同在。”

Finally, the more subtle (and more pricey at $300) Alphaedge 4D shoe is fashioned after the Death Star, with “The power of the Dark Side” is stamped on the heel tabs.

最后,更微妙(更昂贵的300美元)的Alphaedge 4D鞋是仿造死星的,在鞋跟上印上“黑暗的力量”。

The new capsule collections — dubbed Adidas x Star Wars 2019 — quietly debuted Nov. 1 with a Lightsaber-themed version “designed for the players who wear them,” as the brand hypes in a statement.

新推出的“阿迪达斯x星战2019”(Adidas x Star Wars 2019)胶囊系列在11月1日悄然登场,该品牌在一份声明中大肆宣传,称这款产品“专为佩戴者设计”,以光剑为主题。

It’s all part of a push to get fans to gear up for the Dec. 20 release in the sci-fi franchise, “The Rise of Skywalker.”
