2018年1月8日,摄影师Janis Wilkins下午结束瑜伽课回到家中,发现她的华盛顿高地公寓楼被大火吞噬。
The seven-alarm fire — caused by a faulty toaster in a neighboring unit — destroyed her rented home of 15 years. It also displaced the 63-year-old photographer for more than a year, which she spent at Hotel 17 near Union Square.
Though the fire took away so much — and she unfortunately did not have renter’s insurance — in a Big Apple twist of fate, it sparked a glamorous new modeling career for Wilkins.
A few months later, she was walking near 15th Street and Third Avenue wearing yoga clothes and — in a change — not trying to hide the white roots invading her long honey-blond mane.
“I was dying my hair [at the time],” she recalled. “But it was a hot day, and I said, ‘I am going to let my white hair fly.’ ”
Suddenly, she felt a tap on the shoulder. It was Daniel Peddle, a well-respected casting director who discovered Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence.
“He said, ‘I’m casting [an advertising campaign for lingerie company] ThirdLove and we want women with different ages and different bodies,’” said Wilkins, who had never modeled before. “I wasn’t looking for it, but I said, ‘Sure!’ ”
At the casting, potential models were asked just one question: Why do you like your body?
“I said that I love my body because I am healthy,” Wilkins remembered. She landed the gig, appearing in both the brand’s commercial and in its campaign.
Almost two months later, “I was driving down Broadway at night, right by the [Ed Sullivan Theater at 53rd Street] and we hit a traffic light. My friend goes, ‘Look!’ — and there was a five-story billboard on the theater. And there was my image.”
This past January, she walked in her first-ever New York Fashion Week show, for the edgy brand Deveaux.
今年1月,她在纽约时装周(New York Fashion Week)上首次亮相,为前卫品牌德芙(Deveaux)走秀。
Wilkins, who’s not married and has no kids, briefly attended art school, lived on a commune in California, spent a year in Brazil and then programmed computers on Wall Street in the early 1990s before becoming a photographer.
Now, she’s signed to Muse, a major modeling agency.