英语听力汇总   |   2019年胡子锦标赛





The 2019 Beard & Mustache Championship


Some of the most notable and influential people in history had beards and mustaches. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that beards are gathering together once again to do some good in the world.


Yes, the 2019 National Beard and Mustache Championships are up for No Shave November (a.k.a. Movember) and some of the greatest beard-lovers came together to have their pictures taken for charity on November 8th and 9th.


This year, the competition is supporting three charities: Oscar Mike, a foundation supporting injured veterans, P.A.W.S of Tinley Park, a no-kill animal shelter, and Together We Cope, a homelessness prevention agency.

今年的比赛支持三个慈善机构:奥斯卡·迈克,一个支持受伤退伍军人的基金会,P.A.W.“Tinley Park”是一家禁止捕杀动物的收容所,“Together We Cope”是一家预防无家可归者的机构。

The winners have not yet been announced, but that does not stop us from frolicking in the glory of the beard. Greg Anderson, a Las Vegas-based photographer, took on the task of eternalizing the numerous men sporting their unique beards. Check out the top contestants in the championships below.












图片来源:Greg Anderson