英语听力汇总   |   标志性的纽约咖啡杯,将被无盖新贵围攻?





Iconic NYC coffee cup under siege by lid-free newcomer


A sustainable startup thinks it can convince New Yorkers to give up the Anthora, the staple blue-and-white coffee cups used by city diners for decades. There’s no going after the Anthora’s legacy — the creators of the rival vessel are instead attacking a different aspect of its character: that plastic top.


“Say goodbye to wasteful lids with Unocup,” reads the lid-less, all-paper newcomer’s Kickstarter campaign. “Unocup is the new to-go paper coffee cup that replaces plastic lids, and creates a healthier Earth with cleaner oceans.”


The cup doesn’t have a separate lid but instead has a top that can be folded closed. Pledge rewards include cups in white and limited-edition color versions.



The Kickstarter, which is already more than halfway to its $14,500 goal, claims that New Yorkers are demoralized by the continued reign of the Anthora. “Customers desperately want a cup which they feel will contribute to waste reduction, while having no compromise to the drinking experience.”


The campaign then delves into the numbers for how much plastic waste goes into the ocean annually, claiming NYC uses enough disposable plastic lids each year to wrap around the earth more than three times.


Hong Kong native Tom Chan came up with the idea for the cups in 2015 while he was a sophomore at Cooper Union, and created 800 prototypes with his co-founder, architect and native New Yorker Kaanur Papo, Fast Company reports.

据《快公司》报道,2015年,香港人汤姆·陈(Tom Chan)在库柏联合公司(Cooper Union)读二年级时想出了设计这种杯子的想法,并与他的联合创始人、建筑师、土生土长的纽约人卡努尔·帕波(Kaanur Papo)一起设计了800个原型。

The Anthora was created by Holocaust survivor Leslie Buck, who started a paper cup company with his brother in Mount Vernon. Buck drew the design in the 1960s in an attempt to break into NYC’s Greek diners. The name derives from Buck’s accented pronunciation of a large urn, or “amphora.” The design has since become more recognizable than the Starbucks mermaid cup, with 500 million being produced annually at the cup’s peak in the ’90s.

an索拉是由大屠杀幸存者莱斯利·巴克创造的,他和他的兄弟在芒特弗农开办了一家纸杯公司。巴克在20世纪60年代为了打入纽约的希腊餐厅而画了这个图案。这个名字来源于巴克对一个大瓮的发音,或者叫“amphora”。自那以后,这款杯子的设计比星巴克美人鱼杯(Starbucks mermaid cup)更受欢迎,在90年代美人鱼杯的巅峰时期,每年生产5亿个美人鱼杯。