Nowadays we have so many art tools and software like Photoshop or Illustrator that almost everyone can create art. Even though it's really exciting that we have so many opportunities, at the same time it's becoming more and more difficult to create something that would be thrilling and different from others. However, one artist still manages to do that. Previously featured on Bored Panda here and here, Atlanta-based creative director and Instagram star Stephen McMennamy is back with his new surreal photo mash-ups!
现在我们有这么多的艺术工具和软件,像Photoshop或Illustrator,几乎每个人都可以创造艺术。虽然我们有这么多的机会真的很令人兴奋,但与此同时,创造一些令人兴奋和与众不同的东西却变得越来越困难。然而,一位艺术家仍然做到了这一点。来自亚特兰大的创意总监、Instagram明星斯蒂芬·麦克曼纳米之前曾在Bored Panda上发表过专题,现在他带着他的超现实照片混搭回来了!
His ongoing digital collage series is called 'ComboPhoto' and we should say it's a pretty intriguing personal project. He creates fascinating collages by combining photos of unrelated items and playful scenes, carefully splitting them in half and placing them next to each other. The interesting part is that he doesn't use stock images so he takes every photo himself so sometimes it can take weeks for him to find the perfect subject!
"I was bored (no pun intended)... just playing with a collage app, loading pictures. I noticed the similar shapes between a balloon and my daughter's head, I combined the two and that’s how it all began. From there, I just started looking around for other things I could combine. And the rest is history" - the artist told Bored Panda about how everything started. The artist admits that at first he used the iPhone to capture photos and the PicFrame app to create a collage, however, now he has a professional camera and uses Photoshop. We can totally see it from the quality of his collages!
“我很无聊(没有双关语的意思)……只是玩玩拼贴应用,加载图片。我注意到在气球和我女儿的头之间有相似的形状,我把它们结合起来,这就是一切的开始。从那时起,我就开始四处寻找我可以结合的其他东西。剩下的就是历史了。”——艺术家告诉Bored Panda网站,一切是如何开始的。这位艺术家承认,一开始他用iPhone拍照,用PicFrame应用创建拼贴,但现在他有了专业相机,用Photoshop。从他的拼贴画的质量我们完全可以看出来!
From a hose forming a waterfall and falling on a father with his daughter, two fingers forming legs and walking to a giant flower which is serving as an umbrella to a little girl, these collages are really thought-provoking and will make you look twice at them!
More info: Instagram | Facebook
图片来源:Stephen McMennamy