英语听力汇总   |   艺术家在他的漫画中加入了黑色幽默,一开始看起来很天真





Artist Adds Dark Humor To His Comics That Look Innocent At First


Berkeley Mews' creator calls it a dark humor comic series that exposes the seedy underbelly of everything wholesome and pure. "It takes fairy tales and Disney movies and fond remembrances of childhood and turns them into horrible nightmares - but, like, in a fun way," Ben Zaehringer told Bored Panda.

Berkeley Mews的创作者称它是一部黑色幽默系列漫画,揭露了一切有益健康和纯洁的阴暗面。Ben Zaehringer在接受Bored Panda网站采访时表示:“它将童话故事、迪斯尼电影和对童年的美好回忆变成了可怕的噩梦,不过,是以一种有趣的方式。”

Ben took some art classes in high school and at the nearby community college, where he learned life-drawing and basic anatomy. "We were also taught to draw cars," he said. "Cars are the bane of every cartoonist, so I'm glad that I was forced to draw them early." Now, he's using these skills to unleash his creative mind, and people think he's doing a great job. He has about 200K followers on Instagram and Facebook, and this number is constantly growing.












More info: berkeleymews.com
