My name is Vivien Szaniszlo and painting is an important part of my life. I love to paint woman-themed paintings, portraits with surreal, dark vibes. In my works, I mostly capture the fragile line between life and death. Halloween is around the corner, so I thought I'd share with you my favorite ones from the last two years.
我的名字叫Vivien Szaniszlo,绘画是我生活中重要的一部分。我喜欢画以女性为主题的画,带有超现实、黑暗氛围的肖像。在我的作品中,我主要捕捉的是生与死之间脆弱的线条。万圣节快到了,所以我想跟大家分享一下过去两年我最喜欢的节日。
If you would like to see more of my paintings and work in progress photos, you can follow me on Instagram or Facebook.
More info: Facebook | Instagram
图片来源:Vivien Szaniszlo