Comic Con New York 2019 has passed, but cosplay never stops. Pictures of cosplayers in their favorite superhero (or supervillain) attire from this year’s NYCC are still surfacing on the Internet.
Ali Reza Malik, a Brooklyn-based photographer, is the artist behind a handful of iconic cosplay photographs from this year’s Comic Con New York. Ali’s work focuses primarily on South Asian communities, exploring the different forms of portraiture with the aim of promoting the visibility of these and other minority communities in the US. He may have taken a short break from his usual work once at Comic Con New York, but his camera had no rest.
纽约布鲁克林的摄影师阿里·雷扎·马利克(Ali Reza Malik)是今年纽约动漫展(Comic Con New York)上几张标志性角色扮演照片的创作者。阿里的工作主要集中在南亚社区,探索不同形式的肖像,目的是提高这些和其他少数族裔社区在美国的知名度。在纽约动漫展上,他可能会从平时的工作中抽出一小会儿时间休息一下,但他的相机却没有休息。
Bored Panda got in touch with Ali Reza Malik, who was kind enough to show the Comic Con cosplay scene through the lens of his camera. Read our interview with Ali and vote on your favorite cosplay from NYCC 2019 below.
Bored Panda网站联系了阿里·雷扎·马利克,他好心地通过镜头展示了动漫展上的角色扮演场景。阅读我们对阿里的采访,在下面投票选出你最喜欢的角色扮演。
图片来源:Ali Reza Malik