英语听力汇总   |   艺术家描绘了刻板的男性和女性摄影师





Artist Illustrates Stereotypical Male And Female Photographers And People Are Saying It’s Spot On


Like it or not, most people put others into neat little generalized categories so that life makes sense for them. We call them stereotypes and they help people function in society by avoiding being overwhelmed by a mass of information. Plenty of stereotypes turn out to be false, but some of them end up being (partly) true. Especially when you take a look at the different types of photographers to be found in the wild.


Photographic artist Pixel Crush, known for merging the world of photography and illustration, this time turned his attention to brutally honest caricatures of male and female photographers. We absolutely loved Pixel Crush’s interpretations of reality and couldn’t wait to show them to all of you lovely Pandas out there.

以融合摄影和插画世界而闻名的摄影艺术家Pixel Crush,这次将注意力转向了对男性和女性摄影师残酷而诚实的讽刺漫画。我们非常喜欢Pixel Crush对现实的诠释,迫不及待地想把它们展示给大家。

Be sure to scroll down to the very bottom to give the artist the attention he deserves. Upvote your fave illustrations and let us know what you think of them. Are they too provocative? Are they right on the money? Would they be something that you’d share with your photographer buddies? And make sure to look through Bored Panda's other post about Pixel Crush's illustrations of 'typical' models that photographers have to deal with.

一定要向下翻阅到最底部,给艺术家应有的关注。为你最喜欢的插图投票,让我们知道你的想法。他们是否太过挑衅?他们说的对吗?你会和你的摄影师朋友分享这些照片吗?另外,请务必阅读Bored Panda的另一篇文章,该文章是关于Pixel Crush上的“典型”模特的插图,而摄影师必须与之打交道。











More info: PixelCrush.ca | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
