英语听力汇总   |   “时尚爸爸”的Instagram表达了对时尚爸爸们的敬意





‘Fashion Dads’ Instagram Honors Hilariously Stylish Dads


The only thing more stylish (and embarrassing) than a fashion chicken is a fashion dad. As we grow older, our sense of shame changes. We’re no longer moved by the things that would have once made us go red like a tomato. Well, most of us aren’t.


A perfect example of how age tends to dull our sense of what’s humiliating and what’s not can be found by taking a look at the Fashion Dads page on Instagram. Here, dads from around the world parade around in ‘stylish’ and ‘fashionable’ clothes that would make some of us run away and wish that we were adopted.

看看Instagram上的“时尚老爸”(Fashion Dads)页面,你就能找到一个完美的例子,它告诉我们,年龄往往会让我们对什么是耻辱、什么是不耻辱的感觉变得迟钝。在这里,来自世界各地的爸爸们穿着“时髦的”和“时尚的”衣服走来走去,这些衣服会让我们中的一些人跑开,希望我们是被收养的。

Not all heroes wear capes, but they do wear stylish clothes. And the hero, in this case, is the Fashion Dads Instagram account that enchanted us with its photos and hilarious descriptions. We’ve collected some of the best, most fun, and cringe-worthy fashion dads on the internet, so scroll down and go nuts with the upvotes. Remember to share the list with all of your male relatives or anyone with a dad, and when you’re done with this post, have a look through Bored Panda’s previous article about stylish dads.

不是所有的英雄都穿披风,但他们确实穿时髦的衣服。在这个故事中,主角是时尚爸爸们的Instagram账号,它的照片和搞笑的描述让我们着迷。我们在网上收集了一些最优秀、最有趣、最令人尴尬的时尚爸爸,所以向下滚动鼠标,疯狂地点击“赞”吧。记得与你所有的男性亲戚或任何有父亲的人分享这个列表,当你完成这篇文章后,看看Bored Panda之前关于时尚老爸的文章。











More info: Instagram | LiterallyBuying.com
