英语听力汇总   |   这只老练的宠物螳螂有一个Instagram账号





This Sophisticated Pet Mantis Has An Instagram Account And Her Followers Love Watching Her Testing Out Miniature Furniture


Face it, life is much more fun when you’ve got pets around. Yes, having a pet is a huge responsibility, but ask any pet owner and they will give you a million reasons why it’s worth having one at home. Life is hard as it is, so having a furry (or hairless, or with a shell, or whatever) companion to say hi whenever you return home or to be with when you go out for walks is certainly a treat. The best part about it is that there is such a huge variety of pets that you can have—everything from cats, dogs, rats and gerbils to turtles, lizards, ants, snakes or even tarantulas.


Or, you can do what Samantha Steatoda did and get yourself a praying mantis. Yes, that one very cool-looking insect that can snap any other insect in half like a twig. Bored Panda got in touch with Samantha Steatoda, who told us all about Mavis, her adorable pet giant Asian mantis.

或者,你也可以像萨曼莎·斯塔尔托达那样,给自己弄一只螳螂。是的,就是那种看起来很酷的昆虫,它可以像折树枝一样把其他昆虫折成两半。Bored Panda 联系上了萨曼莎·斯特达达,她向我们讲述了所有关于她可爱的宠物——巨型亚洲螳螂玛维斯的事情。

Meet Mavis, the adorable giant Asian mantis who spends much of her day trying out miniature furniture


This is Mavis. When she’s not chomping on bugs, the adorable praying mantis spends much of her day trying out miniature furniture. Mavis is specifically the giant Asian mantis, which are overall larger than other members of its species. These are also the most popular choice of pets among mantises.


Samantha had arachnophobia. In hopes of overcoming her fears, she joined some spider and bug groups on Facebook. “I started learning about spiders and other critters, thanks to those who are entomologists and arachnologists in those groups. Conquered my arachnophobia and picked up interests on wildlife in general,” Samantha told Bored Panda.

萨曼莎有蜘蛛恐惧症。为了克服恐惧,她加入了Facebook上的一些蜘蛛和虫子小组。“我开始了解蜘蛛和其他生物,这要感谢那些昆虫学家和蛛形动物学家。克服了我的蜘蛛恐惧症,开始对野生动物感兴趣。”萨曼莎告诉Bored Panda网站。

When asked why a praying mantis, of all animals, Samantha explained just how comfortable she got with creepy crawlies: “Why not? I’m a owner of a couple tarantulas. I adore jumping spiders and keep those. A praying mantis isn’t too extreme. Plus, both jumping spiders and praying mantises will chase after laser pointers, that’s pretty cute!”


Mavis has become a bit of a furniture reviewer on her Instagram. What began as a rather spontaneous decision now draws thousands of followers and shows how cute praying mantises can really be. “Saw a cute purple chair and thought it was mantis sized! Continued going on from there,” explained Samantha.


Mavis has already tried out fancy sofas and sofa chairs, tables, chairs, fireplaces, fridges, benches, lounging chairs—you name it, she probably tried it. Her most recent purchase is a bathtub, equipped with a shower curtain for her to climb on.


Considering that Mavis is a tiny insect, Samantha is often asked about where and how she keeps her. “She has a decorative birdcage that I personally set up with plastic on the bottom and screen at the top. The furniture are props for pictures. I wish she lived that fancy. Someday, I hope to find a doll house that would be easy to turn into an enclosure.”


More info: Facebook | Instagram

Image credits: mavisthemantis