英语听力汇总   |   长久的恋情,有这几个特点





1. You feel comfortable being yourselves around each other.

1. 在一起的时候,你们感觉很自在。

In the early stages of a relationship, people tend to present only the sparkliest versions of themselves, hiding anything that could make them seem less desirable in their partner's eyes. But when you don't feel like you constantly need to impress your partner to earn their affection — because you know this person likes you, warts and all — it bodes well for your future as a couple.


"If you can be yourself and feel comfortable letting your guard down and being you, the relationship is in good shape," said psychologist and sex therapist Shannon Chavez. That also means you feel like you can speak up when something's bugging you, rather than staying quiet or only saying what you think your partner wants to hear.

“如果卸下一身防备,你仍能怡然地做真实的自己,那就表明你们的感情很稳定,”心理学家和性治疗师香农·查韦斯(Shannon Chavez)说道。这也意味着当某事困扰你时,你可以尽情说出自己的感受,而非沉默不语或只说些另一半想听的话。


2. You consistently show up for one another.

2. 你们能言行一致。

You call when you say you're going to call. When you agree to do something, it gets done. If you commit to a plan, your partner knows you'll stick to it and vice versa. You know you can count on each other for things big and small.


"This indicates that each person is in the right frame of mind for a healthy relationship and that they are both on the same page," said Deborah Duley, a psychotherapist and owner of Empowered Connections, which specializes in counseling for women, girls and the LGBTQ community. "Consistency allows for trust to build, which then allows intimacy to grow because both partners feel safe."

“这表明双方都心态积极,打算建立一段健康的恋情,且双方意见一致,”心理学家和Empowered Connections机构的所有人黛博拉·杜莱(Deborah Duley)说道。该机构为女性、女孩、女同性恋者、男同性恋者、双性恋者和跨性别者提供咨询服务。“言行一致会建立信任感。因为双方都有了安全感之后,彼此的亲密度也会增加。”

3. You sincerely apologize to each other when you've done something wrong.

3. 做错事的时候,会真心道歉。

And no, "I'm sorry you feel that way" does not count as a genuine apology. Two people who can take responsibility for their missteps, instead of rattling off a bunch of excuses for their behavior, are more likely to move through rough patches without lingering resentments.


"We all make mistakes, say things we shouldn't have said, and can be selfish at times," Smith said. "A simple, 'I'm sorry' is amazing in how healing it can be for a relationship. If you’ve got a partner who’s willing to say sorry, that's a hard-to-find quality and strength, and you should do all you can to keep them."
