英语听力汇总   |   别人的大学——世界6大校园建筑





If the memory of your university is a somewhat hazy mix of missed lectures, cheap food, empty beer cans and cold, concrete classrooms, you won't recognize this list.


Hamburg-based architectural data company Emporis recently released a report on what it's calling "the world's most spectacular university buildings."

总部位于德国汉堡的建筑数据公司 Emporis 最近发布了一份名为“世界上最壮观的大学建筑”的报告。

"Lecture halls at dizzying heights, libraries with glass-domed roofs or crooked seminar rooms with slanting walls -- it is not just in the field of learning that universities have plenty to offer, but on an architectural level, too," the report stated.

报告称: “高得让人仰望的演讲厅,有玻璃穹顶的图书馆,或是墙壁倾斜的歪歪扭扭的研讨室——大学不仅在学习领域有很多可以提供的东西,在建筑层面也是如此。”。

1.The library is part of the Rost- und Silberlaube complex at Freie Universitat Berlin. Even though it appears to be part of the existing buildings, the library was conceived as a single building. There's enough space for 800,000 books. Architects: Foster + Partners.

1. 该图书馆是柏林自由大学 Rost-und Silberlaube 综合设施的一部分。尽管它看起来是现有建筑的一部分,但是图书馆被设计成一个单独的建筑。有足够的空间放80万本书。建筑师: 福斯特建筑事务所。


2.When completed, the building was the seventh tallest skyscraper in the world, and the tallest outside New York. The Russian university in its entirety covers more than 1.6 square kilometers. Architects: Lev Vladimirovitch Rudnev.

2.这座建筑建成后就成为世界上第七高的摩天大楼,也是纽约以外最高的。这所俄罗斯大学的总面积超过1.6平方公里。建筑师: Lev Vladimirovitch Rudnev。


3.Bradfield Hall at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, was named for Richard Bradfield, Professor Emeritus, who was head of the Cornell Agronomy Department between 1937 and 1955. The building was designed without windows on the first 10 floors since most laboratories are climate-controlled. Architects: Ulrich Franzen & Associates.

3.位于纽约伊萨卡市康奈尔大学的布拉德菲尔德·霍尔(Bradfield Hall)以名誉教授理查德·布拉德菲尔德的名字命名,他在1937年至1955年间担任康奈尔大学农学系主任。该建筑的前10层没有窗户,因为大多数实验室都是气候控制的。建筑师:Ulrich Franzen&Associates。


4.The whole Campus consists of two buildings and houses the faculties of Law and Political Science at Universita Degli Studi Di Torino in Italy. The Campus is also designed to house 5,000 students. Architects: Foster + Partners.

4.整个校园由两栋建筑组成,并设有意大利都灵大学的法律和政治学院。校园能容纳5,000名学生。建筑师:Foster + Partners。


5.The building has been nicknamed "The Giant Cocoon." Home to three different educational institutions in Tokyo (including a fashion school and a medical college), it's the second-tallest educational building in the world, surpassed only by Lomonosov Moscow State University Main Building. Architects: Tange Associates.

5.该建筑物被昵称为“大茧”。它是东京三所不同的教育机构(包括一所时装学校和一所医学院)的所在地,是世界上第二高的教育建筑,仅次于莫斯科罗蒙诺索夫国立大学主楼。建筑师:Tange Associates。


6.In 2012, the building was assigned a BEAM Platinum sustainability rating. The building houses the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong. Architects: Daniel Libeskind.

6.2012年,该建筑被授予BEAM可持续性白金等级。大楼内设有香港城市大学创意媒体学院。 建筑师:Daniel Libeskind。
