英语听力汇总   |   眼睛发绿是身体酸性过多的体现






When a woman came to Standop’s office to make an appointment, he congratulated her on her pregnancy, but the woman was not yet showing.



“How did you know?” the woman asked. “From your forehead,” Standop replied.


“One side of her forehead had splotches of brownish pigmentation called melasma,” he writes. “Also known as chloasma or the ‘mask of pregnancy,’ it may be caused by other hormone disruptors, such as birth-control pills, thyroid disease and even stress, but pregnancy is the most common explanation. It’s harmless and when caused by pregnancy tends to fade on its own.”




Standop’s early training in face reading came at a price — his expressive green eyes, which turned out to be the result of a medical issue.


“For years, women I dated had told me that I had beautiful green eyes,” he writes. “I was rather proud of them, considering them my most unusual and possibly best feature.”



He was taken aback when, in a German face-reading class, the teacher mentioned to the class that he had “really strong green eyes.” When Standop thanked him, the man added, “It’s not a compliment. It’s a sign that there’s too much acid in your body.”


“The master explained that true green eyes are rare and, interestingly, found less often in men than in women,” Standop writes. “Being born with them is not a sign of ill health, but he could tell that my eyes were naturally blue. In my case, body chemistry was the issue.”


Standop says he changed his diet, avoiding coffee, alcohol, sugar and fried foods, among other things, and the natural blue of his eyes returned.


Now, whenever his eyes begin to appear more greenish, he sees that as a sign to rebalance his life and makes sure to monitor his diet and reduce his stress.
