1. This sterling silver wave-shaped ring that'll bring you instant peace with just one glance as you're reminded of the ocean. It's sure to ~make waves~ in your heart.
2. An edamame keychain I dare you to try and NOT squeeze with joy for hours on end. You'll have so much fun that you'll wonder where these have bean all your life.
3. This mini cast-iron skillet because it's perfect for quickly whipping yourself up a sweet treat after you've had a rough day. Single-serve cookies, pies, and cakes are just a skillet away.
4. A set of tiny tealight candles so you can set the mood for a nice, cozy afternoon inside. The warm glow from the candles will immediately brighten your mood.
5. Orrrrr, these tiny succulent-shaped tealight candles to help light the way no matter what prickly situation the day throws at you.
6. These totes adorbs mini animal plushies you just can't help but smile at. You can also attach them to a keychain for giddy grins on the go.
7. Itty, bitty charging cable animals because you'll smile from ear to ear when you realize how effective they are at protecting your cables from fraying.
8. Moon-shaped earrings so you can light up the night with a little lunar bling. They may be tiny but you'll feel majorly gorgeous!
9. And, this tiny photo printer so you can actually hold a physical print of your ah-mazing photography. You could turn the prints into a collage, or do a relaxing scrapbook project.
10. A deck of super small UNO cards that are honestly just as fun as the full-size version — if not more!