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Prince Harry follows in Princess Diana's footsteps by visiting Angola de-mining project


Britain's Prince Harry wore a protective vest and visor at a de-mining project in Angola on Friday, and photographs of his visit echoed a famous series of images taken of his late mother Princess Diana more than 20 years ago.



Queen Elizabeth's grandson and sixth in line to the throne visited a de-mining field outside Dirico, a town in Angola's Cuando Cubango province, where, wearing a safety vest, he remotely detonated a mine in a controlled explosion. He also met community members.

伊丽莎白女王的孙子和王位第六顺位继承人参观了安哥拉库班戈省(Cuando Cubango Province)一个城镇迪里科(Dirico)外的一个扫雷场,他身穿安全背心,在一次控制爆炸中遥控引爆了一枚地雷。他还会见了社区成员。

"This minefield here in Luengue-Luiana National Park is the first of 153 that will be cleared in the two national parks of South-Eastern Angola," Harry said in a speech.



The Angolan government has pledged $60 million to the initiative, with British charity the HALO Trust carrying out the work.

安哥拉政府已承诺向该计划提供6000万美元,由英国慈善机构光环信托基金(HALO Trust)负责这项工作。

"Later today I will visit Huambo to see the place where my mother walked through a minefield in 1997. Once heavily mined, the second city of Angola is now safe," Harry added.



The pictures of Diana wearing protective gear as she walked among red skull-and-crossbones signs in Huambo won publicity for the HALO Trust, which was clearing mines left during Angola's civil war.


They were taken a few months before her death in Paris in a car crash.


One of the photographs was posted on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's official Instagram page.
