英语听力汇总   |   美泰推出“中性”芭比娃娃





Mattel launches ‘gender neutral’ Barbie doll


Turns out you don’t need a long, luxurious mane — or a Dream House — to be a Barbie. Mattel, the almost 75-year-old toymaker behind the iconic doll, launched a gender-fluid incarnation Wednesday.


“Toys are a reflection of culture and as the world continues to celebrate the positive impact of inclusivity, we felt it was time to create a doll line free of labels,” Kim Culmone, senior vice president of Mattel Fashion Doll Design said in a statement. “Through research, we heard that kids don’t want their toys dictated by gender norms. This line allows all kids to express themselves freely, which is why it resonates so strongly with them.”

美泰时装娃娃设计高级副总裁Kim Culmone在一份声明中说:“玩具是文化的反映,随着世界继续庆祝包容性的积极影响,我们觉得是时候推出一个无标签的娃娃系列了。”“通过研究,我们听说孩子们不希望他们的玩具受到性别规范的支配。这句话让所有的孩子都能自由地表达自己,这就是为什么它能与他们产生如此强烈的共鸣。”


Mattel also toned down stereotypical feminine and masculine features, such as Barbie’s barely proportionate breasts and Ken’s chiseled broad shoulders.


Mattel’s first ad for Creatable World, which launches Sept. 25, with each kit going for $29.99, features children addressed with alternative pronouns such as “them,” and the slogan “A doll line designed to keep labels out and invite everyone in,” according to Time.

据《时代》杂志报道,美泰于9月25日发布了首个面向Creatable World的广告,每套售价为29.99美元,广告中的儿童都用“他们”等替代代词称呼,广告口号是“一个旨在将标签挡在门外、邀请所有人进来的玩偶系列”。

Anyone complaining that these dolls are just about pandering to gender-bending liberals is missing the larger point. Creatable World is fundamentally about embracing individuality and — for pre-pubescent kids across the world — the awkwardness and confusion of growing up.

任何抱怨这些娃娃只是为了迎合具有性别偏见的自由主义者的人,都忽略了更重要的一点。Creatable World从根本上讲就是拥抱个性,以及——对于世界各地的青春期前儿童来说——成长过程中的尴尬和困惑。

And I’m not just arguing for girls with regrettable haircuts and, of course, the many teens around the country questioning where they stand on the gender spectrum. Consider, too, the tomboys, the mixed-race, the fashion-forward and the children with diseases and rare conditions that might lead to hair loss. They all want to see themselves in their dolls.



Toymakers are finally getting that. Concluded Culmone in Mattel’s statement, “We’re hopeful Creatable World will encourage people to think more broadly about how all kids can benefit from doll play.”

玩具制造商终于明白了这一点。卡蒙在美泰公司的声明中总结道:“我们希望‘Creatable World’能够鼓励人们更广泛地思考如何让所有的孩子都能从娃娃游戏中受益。”