英语听力汇总   |   10年来,纽约市的零售业空置面积翻了一番





Vacant retail space has doubled in NYC over 10 years


Empty retail space in the Big Apple doubled over the last decade as local shops struggled with soaring rents, red tape and competition from Amazon, a troubling new study says.


The amount of empty retail space in the city climbed to 11 million square feet in 2017, double what it was in 2007, the analysis by city Comptroller Scott Stringer found.

纽约市审计长斯金格(Scott Stringer)的分析发现,该市2017年的空置零售面积攀升至1,100万平方英尺,是2007年的两倍。

“We have a retail vacancy crisis in our city,” said Stringer. “We can’t roll back the clock, but we can do more to protect our mom and pops and adapt to our changing economy.”


He added: “We need our city government to act faster and in a much more coordinated fashion.”



The citywide rate of empty storefronts jumped by nearly 50 percent — to 5.8 percent from 4 percent — during that same period. Rates are the highest in Staten Island at 11 percent.


The soaring vacancy rate came as rents for retail space climbed an eyewatering 22 percent on average across the city. The Upper West Side saw the highest hike at 68 percent.


Stringer blamed “burdensome regulatory hurdles” and the “Amazon effect” for the troubling stats.


“You know we’re all shopping online,” he said.


Stringer suggested solutions including streamlining the city’s permitting process and giving businesses tax breaks to move into high-vacancy neighborhoods.


The Fix SoHo/NoHo Coalition, a group of area residents and businesses backed Stringer’s assessment.

由当地居民和企业组成的fix soho/noho联盟支持斯金格的评估。

“The regulatory hurdles and outdated zoning processes are leading to this increased vacancy by shutting out retailers and restaurateurs,” said Mary Cao a spokeswoman for the group, citing the neighborhood’s nearly seven percent vacancy rate.

“监管障碍和过时的分区程序,将零售商和餐馆拒之门外,导致空置率上升,”该组织发言人玛丽曹(Mary Cao)说,她指的是该社区近7%的空置率。

SoHo is zoned as a manufacturing district, meaning that anyone who wants to open a new store or eatery must go through the city’s lengthy land review process that can take up to three years.


“The coalition supports the comptroller’s recommendations to provide tax incentives for merchandise retailers in high-vacancy retail corridors. We also support the creation of a multi-agency task force to streamline approval processes to convert a retail space into an eating and drinking establishment,” Cao said.


De Blasio said at an unrelated press conference Wednesday that he plans to push for a vacancy tax in the upcoming state legislative session.
