英语听力汇总   |   这家公司可以把宠物变成皇室成员的肖像





This Company Can Turn A Pet Into A Royal Portrait


We all love our pets to bits, even if they're little troublemakers who meow endlessly in the morning or leave little doggie surprises on the carpet. And while some regard their critters as loyal companions who are one step lower than the humans of the family, the others treat them as equals. Well, there's also that third group of people who treat their beloved pets as complete royalty. And what better way to make that clear than with a regal portrait of your favorite animal?


Crown & Paw is a company that specializes in creating custom pet portraits by combining authentic 19th-century portraits and rare Renaissance-era oil paintings with photos of animals. "Crown & Paw began as a passion project," reveals the company's creator. "We spent a rainy weekend in Amsterdam, riding bicycles down the picturesque canals, eating tasty waffles and pancakes, and visiting some of the most beautiful art galleries in the world such as the Stedelijk and the Rijksmuseum." That's where the inspiration came from.

Crown & Paw是一家专业制作定制宠物肖像的公司,将真实的19世纪肖像和罕见的文艺复兴时期油画与动物照片相结合。“皇冠与爪子最初是一个充满激情的项目,”该公司的创始人透露。“我们在阿姆斯特丹度过了一个多雨的周末,在风景如画的运河上骑车,吃着美味的华夫饼和煎饼,参观了世界上一些最美丽的艺术画廊,比如Stedelijk和Rijksmuseum。”这就是灵感的来源。










