英语听力汇总   |   人们纷纷发布救援犬的故事





People Are Posting Rescue Dog Stories In Response To This Viral Post About An Abandoned Dog


Sometimes it takes just a single person to reveal how many good deeds the people around us have done. One person just like that is Megan Burris whose story about Walter the rescue dog went viral in a flash, and inspired others to share their own tales of rescuing dogs from shelters.

有时候,一个人就能告诉我们身边的人做了多少好事。梅根·伯瑞斯(Megan Burris)就是这样一个人,她讲述的关于沃尔特的故事在瞬间走红,并激励其他人分享自己从收容所救出狗的故事。

To brighten up your week and to bring a smile to your face, here are the very best responses to Megan asking others to share their own rescue dog stories. So scroll down, upvote your favorites, and write us a comment with your thoughts. When you’re done reading through this list and going ‘awww’ at pictures of adorable doggos, have a read through Bored Panda’s story about how an animal shelter helped a dog who couldn’t even move due to its extremely matted fur.

为了让你的一周充满阳光,让你的脸上绽放笑容,梅根邀请别人分享他们自己的救援犬的故事,以下是最好的回答。所以,向下滚动,投票你最喜欢的,并给我们写下你的想法。当你读完这张清单,看到可爱的狗狗们的照片时,看看Bored Panda网站上关于动物收容所是如何帮助一只狗狗的故事吧。

Megan shared the story of how she rescued Walter the dog



Walter was found with the word 'free' spray-painted on his fur



Megan asked for people to share their own stories of rescuing dogs



Taylah White

I found my girl Bella (estimated to be 13yo) abandoned in a secluded beach toilet block in the middle of winter. She was terrified. 10 days later she became part of the family. I had 18 amazing months with my sweet girl, before her cancer got the better of her. She was my first ever dog as an adult & she’ll always have a special place in my heart.



Stephanie Bunny Bailey

My sweet disabled pup Peakin was thrown from a moving car into the swamp behind my house they didn't slow down. Few months later i met someone who knew in detail what this sweet baby went through. The disgusting humans tried drowning her breaking her neck an she was even abused before all that happened. They ended up in jail over something not sure what but i do know it'll be years before they see the light of day again. I make sure to spoil this pup an make sure she lives her best life.



Hannah Maile Carlson

Percy was dumped at a shelter because he was “too aggressive” I adopted him in May 2019, and since then he’s lost 25lbs (per vet recommendation) and has become my best friend and running partner for life. I just finished knitting him a hat and scarf for his first midwestern winter!



Kim Holjes

Uschi was dumped at a local kill shelter at 4 months old. She is 4 years old now and never leaves my side!



Amber Dragg

We love Walter’s story!!! Thank you for saving him and making him part of your family. We adopted our Xander from a shelter - he was found as a stray, infested with heart worms, and completely defeated in spirit. He’s still leery of some strangers and occasionally counter surfs but he has come SUCH a long way. We are endlessly proud of and thankful for our sweet boy.
