英语听力汇总   |   一生只能吃奶酪三明治的女人





A diet some could only dream of has turned into a cheesy nightmare for one British woman.


Her whole life, April Griffiths, 29, has eaten only cheese sandwiches — and on the rare occasion, potato chips — for breakfast, lunch and dinner, due to a severe anxiety condition that propels her into a panic attack every time she attempts to munch something new.

29岁的阿普里尔·格里菲斯(April Griffiths)一生的早餐、午餐和晚餐中,只吃过奶酪三明治,偶尔吃薯条,因为她患有严重的焦虑症,每次尝试咀嚼新东西时都会引发恐慌。


“The fear of choking and experiencing a different texture of food scares me,” the bubbly mother of two children tells Caters News Agency. “And even though I have tried to eat pea-size portions of rice, pasta or vegetables, I have never been able to swallow it without throwing up.”


So it’s purely grated cheese on bread, she says — preferably Mature Cheddar or Red Leicester. Griffiths can sometimes stomach basic sliced cheese or sour cream and onion Pringles on special occasions.


“I would love to eat a roast dinner, but I couldn’t face it — the vegetables, potatoes and meat all touching makes me feel sick,” she says.


The phobia began when she was a baby, she says. Her parents tried to transition her from milk to solid food but she would become extremely anxious or vomit immediately. They took her to the doctor, who said at the time there wasn’t anything medically wrong with her.


For the record, she says doctors tell her she’s otherwise healthy.
